
Colorado State Public Defender’s Office

The single overriding objective for the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender is to provide zealous and effective representation for indigent individuals who are charged with the commission of a crime in Colorado. The right to counsel is established by both the United States and Colorado Constitutions.

Congressional Leadership Program

The Congressional Leadership Program (CLP) is an experience that is unique to Colorado Congressman Lamborn’s office. This opportunity is open for students who have completed at least one year of college-level courses and have strong ties to Colorado’s fifth congressional district. During the session, CLP interns will be given real responsibilities in a dynamic Congressional • Read More »

Court Care

Children are NOT allowed to accompany prospective jurors to Jury Duty. Free Child Care is provided by Court Care, which is run by the Colorado Springs Child Nursery Centers. They are located in Room S140 in the courthouse. ◦Provides free, licensed child care for children of individuals who have court-related business in the Pikes Peak • Read More »

District Attorney’s Office Colorado Springs

The mission of the Fourth Judicial District Attorney’s Office is to administer justice, advocate for victims and partner with law enforcement and the citizens of this community in the deterrence and prevention of crime.

El Paso County Bar Association

The El Paso County Bar Association is the principal professional association for attorneys in the Pikes Peak Region and has been serving the local legal community since 1902. The El Paso County Bar Association offers extensive Continuing Legal Education opportunities and social and networking events for attorneys, and numerous outreach programs for the public.

El Paso County District Attorney

The mission of the Fourth Judicial District Attorney’s Office is to administer justice, advocate for victims and partner with law enforcement and the citizens of this community in the deterrence and prevention of crime. There are volunteer opportunities for UCCS students to work in Juvenile Diversion as Conflict Resolution Assistants. Conflict Resolution Assistants work with • Read More »

Independence Institute

The mission of the Independence Institute is to empower individuals and to educate citizens, legislators and opinion makers about public policies that enhance personal and economic freedom.

Leadership Pikes Peak

Leadership Pikes Peak is a non-profit organization with the objective of civic leadership for the Pikes Peak region. (719) 632-2618.

Manitou Springs Police Department

The Manitou Springs Police Department typically gets some 3,000 call-outs a year. Most involve routine matters, such as citizen assists and complaints, but others may involve assaults, homicides, and illegal drug labs. The MSPD is a community-oriented policing agency that practices a proactive form of law enforcement, believing that preventing crime is a top priority. • Read More »