Every semester, the City of Colorado Springs Internship Program hires college students to work part-time to gain experience in municipal government. This program was developed to give students the opportunity for a hands-on experience with City staff, to learn about local government, and to gain professional experience while going to school. This experience will allow • Read More »
Providing support and encouragement to families of children with Down syndrome…that is our primary mission here at the Colorado Springs Down Syndrome Association (CSDSA)!
CSFR’s mission is to intercept and rescue fresh, perishable food that is about to be thrown away and sustainably transport it directly to hunger relief nonprofit partners, low-income/low-access neighborhoods, and local schools and community centers. In addition to this, they have an ever-growing number of school-based projects, collaborate with low-income/low food access neighborhoods to devise • Read More »
To improve the health and well-being of our community consistent with our Osteopathic heritage (719)635-9057.
Colorado Springs Sports Corp is committed to establishing a strong regional presence through positive economic development and contribution to the quality of life for citizens in the Pikes Peak Region. As a professional event management company, The Sports Corp spearheaded the organization and management of the following events, driving economic vitality in the Pikes Peak • Read More »
Our mission is to provide stable, safe, affordable housing, and to create supportive opportunities and services for our residents to enhance their individual growth.
History Colorado Center offers internships in researching and cataloging items in the archives and photography collections. Interns are also needed to develop and facilitate an educational program for summer camp youth in a museum setting. Another internship position is available in marketing and fund raising, to gain experience in planned giving, major gifts, upper-level membership • Read More »
Working with people with disabilities, their families and the community, we create independence so that all may thrive.
Let Them Have Faces (LTHF) exists to empower the local community to prevent violence and care for those affected. We desire for all people affected by violence to have a prosperous life in a communal society.
The NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. From the ballot box to the classroom, thousands of dedicated workers, organizers, leaders and members who make up the NAACP continue to fight for social justice from all Americans.